Thank you for being so willing to submit a testimonial detailing your experience working with Overt Software Solutions. We would love to hear from you. Please help us tell others by providing us with a description of your experience. Thank you very much for your contribution to our mission.

By filling in this testimonial form, you are giving full permission to Overt Software Solutions to the following consent. 

Customer Consent

I, the undersigned below declare that I have understood and approved the written in Overt Softwares Customer Reference Consent Form as follows: 

  • I confirm that I am authorized to act for and on behalf of Company and am willing to act as a reference for Overt Software and agree to participate in the following (check all that apply): 

  • Written Case Studies 

  • Video Testimonials 

  • Press Releases 

  • A contactable reference for potential new customers 

  • I confirm that all the answers that I have given above to Overt Software & Skooler Ltd are honest, true, and without coercion from any party.  

  • I understand that Overt Software & Skooler Ltd are relying on the statements here and the information I provide above.  

  • I, for and on behalf of Company hereby give Overt Software & Skooler Ltd permission to use Companys name and other identifying information as part of the Overt Software sales and marketing activities. 

  • Overt Software & Skooler Ltd agree that the information youve provided above will only be used during Overt Softwares & Skooler Ltd’s marketing activities. These activities include but are not limited to direct, digital and evangelist marketing. Additionally, the information provided may be quoted as a testimonial or   turned into a customer case study. 

  • Identifying information such as: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Title, Company Name, Company Logo, Telephone Number and your experience, products and services that you have with us may be shared with potential new customers and on Overt Software Solutions marketing platforms. 

The questions below have been carefully compiled in order to collect information from you and your experiences with Overt Software Solutions. Please don’t feel you have to answer all the questions; answer only what you feel is relevant to yourself concerning your dealings with Overt. A brief sentence for some questions will be more than adequate.  

Do you utilise Overt’s Moodle Hosting or Support alongside Skooler’s mConnect?
Number of Users / Students?
What were the key challenges you were facing that led to us working together/you choosing our solution? Why did you choose Overt Software over other Companies?
How did our work together/product or service address your business challenges?
What do you particularly like about Overt’ Software’s approach or products? Why?
How would you summarise your experience as a whole? 
What results and benefits have you achieved with the aid of Overt software's products? (Please consider including any relevant figures you can share)
Would you recommend Overt? If so, why? How would you explain Overt as a company (or the products and services) to your friend?