March 30

    minute Read


    It's time for our March 2023 newsletter! In this issue, we have some big news that we are excited to share with you along with a very important customer notice.

    Important Notice: TestMoodle 4.1 Update

    Overt will shortly be updating our customer's testmoodles to Moodle 4.1. We strongly advise becoming familiar with Moodle 4.1 on your testmoodle, as Moodle 3.9 will be End of Life this December.

    For more information, please log a support ticket on our customer portal.

    Moodle Vulnerability Update and TestMoodle 4.1 Update. Overt Software Solutions.

    Moodle Core Vs Moodle Workplace

    Moodle Core Vs Moodle Workplace

    Moodle Core and Moodle Workplace are both SaaS solutions that help improve learning experiences. In our latest blog, we explore the features of both LMS platforms and how they compare to each other.

    AuthRhino: All-in-one IAM solution

    AuthRhino is an improvement on our Overt IdP, MFA, and SSPR services. We've completely rewritten how they work behind the scenes to create a more reliable and high-performing service.

    Watch our AuthRhino video and discover our up-and-coming IAM solution.

    AuthRhino Identity Management Revolution

    Celebrating Women in Technology

    From everyday gadgets to revolutionary ideas, female inventors have shaped the world as we know it. Celebrate and learn about the power of their creative contributions. Click here to meet some of the world's most incredible talent!

    Female inventors in technology_feature image

    We hope you enjoy this newsletter, if you have any questions or would like more information about the topics covered, please contact our Customer Success Team

    Thank you for reading!


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