A short guide on our 5 top tips to strengthen your IdP in preparation for Christmas. Watch until the end for a special 2021 Christmas deal!!
Paul King (PK) – Shibboleth Operations Manager
Video Transcript:
[00:05] Hi there, I'm Paul Kind, Shibboleth Operations Manager here at Overt Software. Today I am going to be talking to you about five recommendations to strengthen your IdP over Christmas.
Strategy One
[00:19] Strategy one. update your Shibboleth IdP version. Updating your Shibboleth IdP and making sure it's on the latest version is a great way to ensure that your IdP is secure and running smoothly over the Christmas period. IdP updates often include bug fixes and security patches which are great for making sure that your IdP stays healthy. Click here for Shibboleth's latest patch release notes.
Strategy Two:
[00:41] Strategy two. Make sure that your domain controller certificates are valid over the Christmas period. For a lot of Idps the connection back to active directory and LDAP uses LDAPS, to ensure that this connection remains up over the Christmas period it's great to check that your domain controller certificates are valid and in-date and won't expire over Christmas.
Strategy Three:
[01:05] Strategy three. Make sure your SSL certificates are valid over Christmas. It's important to make sure that your Idp SSL certificates are also valid over the Christmas period. These certificates provide your users with https access on your IdP, by making sure they are valid and not expiring over Christmas, you can rest assured knowing that your users are secured.
Stategy Four:
[01:30] Strategy four. Make use of Overt's Free Shibboleth Idp dashboard. The Overt IdP dashboard is a great tool that allows you to run a number of different health checks on your IdP. It can provide you with easy to see health information about the server your IdP is running on, such as CPU usage, memory usage and IdP uptime. It can also let you know if you have expired metadata running on your Idp along with letting you know how many failed authentications have occurred over a set time period so that you can identify and resolve any issues before Christmas.
Strategy Five:
[02:07] Strategy five. 24/7 support. 24/7 support is a great way to ensure that if there are any issues over the Christmas period, you can rest easy knowing that the Shibboleth 24/7 support team are here to help. All you will need to do is call our 24/7 support number. Enter your pin code and you'll be connected with a Shibboleth support engineer.
Christmas Deal:
[02:28] You can now get 1 month of 24/7 support free with our 2021 Christmas deal. We are offering new 24/7 customers 5 free calls valid for over December 2021 only. This will cover you over the busy Christmas period and give you that little bit of extra troubleshooting security and there will be now pressure to entre a support contract with us once December has ended, just simply sign up by the end of November to get your 5 free calls.