What is OAuth?

OAuth (Open Authorisation) is a protocol enabling third-party apps to access user resources without exposing credentials. It's an open standard, employing binary, JSON, or SAML. Introduced in 2006 with OpenID on Twitter, OAuth 1.0 came out in 2010, followed by OAuth 2.0 in 2012, the latest version at present. The terms "OAuth" and "OAuth 2.0" are commonly used interchangeably. OAuth employs HMAC-SHA for signature strings. 

To find out more, check the article below for an indepth explaination of OAuth: 

Woman using password to login to her account

Navigating OAuth Dynamics 

When it comes to verifying users and managing access, OAuth is a crucial player. However, when individuals interact with platforms such as organisation log in, Facebook and smartphones, differences arise in how OAuth is applied and its intended use. Let's break down these differences to understand how OAuth functions in these specific situations. 

  • OAuth for Private Organisation Logins

  • Oauth for Private University Login

  • OAuth for WordPress

  • OAuth on Platforms like Facebook

  • OAuth on Smartphones

OAuth for Private Organisation Logins

Use Case:

OAuth is a versatile protocol widely used by organizations for various scenarios to enable secure access to resources without sharing user credentials. Here are different use cases where organisations utilise OAuth: 

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Organisations implement OAuth for SSO solutions, enabling users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This improves user experience, streamlines authentication processes, and enhances security by centralising access control. 
  • Third-Party Integrations: OAuth allows organisations to securely integrate third-party services or APIs without exposing sensitive user data. This facilitates seamless data exchange between applications while maintaining control over access permissions. 
  • User Authentication: While OAuth primarily focuses on authorisation, it is also utilised for user authentication in scenarios where organisations need to securely verify user identities. OpenID Connect, an extension of OAuth, enhances authentication capabilities by providing identity-specific information about users. 
  • Access Control: Organisations use OAuth to manage access control to resources within their systems. By defining scopes and permissions through OAuth, organisations can ensure that only authorised users or applications can access specific data or functionalities. 

Authorisation Flow: 

Users may undergo an OAuth process, granting permission to external applications to access resources linked to their organisational account. This is commonly observed in scenarios where organisations adopt cloud-based services or integrated solutions. 

**While OAuth provides a standardised framework for authorisation, the specific implementation details can vary based on the organisation's or platform's requirements. The primary goal across these contexts is to enhance security and user convenience by allowing controlled access to resources without exposing sensitive credentials. 

Comparing OAuth and Shibboleth: Understanding the Differences in Identity and Access Management 

OAuth (Open Authorisation) and Shibboleth are interconnected but serve distinct functions in the environment of identity and access management. Shibboleth is an identity provider that uses OpenSAML to deliver the SAML functionality. 

While both contribute to these areas, OAuth primarily focuses on authorisation for delegated access within individual applications or services. In contrast, Shibboleth is specifically designed for federated identity and single sign-on across diverse organisations or services. 


OAuth is primarily designed for authorisation and delegated access. It allows users to grant third-party applications limited access to their resources without sharing their credentials. OAuth is commonly used for scenarios where one application or service wants to access certain resources on behalf of a user. 

  • Use Cases: It finds extensive application in both consumer and enterprise settings, particularly for authorising access to RESTful APIs. In addition, Social media logins (e.g., "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Facebook"), enabling third-party applications to access user data without exposing passwords. 
  • Flexibility: Offering ease of use and adaptability, OAuth supports various client types and service providers through different grant types for access control.  
  • Security: Tokens undergo encryption during transmission, bolstering security by avoiding the need to share user credentials. 


Shibboleth, on the other hand, is designed for web single sign-on (SSO) and federated identity. It focuses on authentication and secure attribute exchange across different organizations or domains. 

  • Use Cases: Widely employed in government and enterprise environments for Single Sign-On (SSO) and identity management needs. It is also commonly used in academic and research institutions, Shibboleth allows users to log in once and access multiple services within a federated network without the need for separate logins. 
  • Authentication Mechanisms: It supports advanced authentication options such as multi-factor authentication solutions like FAME and integration of password-less authentication systems based on FIDO2. 
  • Challenges: Usage with non-web browser user agents, like command-line tools, may pose constraints, affecting its compatibility across diverse user agents. 

OAuth vs Shibboleth Comparison as SSO Solutions

  • Authentication vs. Authorisation

  • User Base

  • Security Features

Authentication Vs. Authorisation

While OAuth concentrates on authorisation, allowing access to resources without sharing user credentials, Shibboleth focuses on secure authentication mechanisms to manage access to web applications. 

In summary, OAuth is versatile and suitable for various scenarios like social logins and organisational access control, while Shibboleth is focused on security and federated authentication, making it ideal for university logins and organisational settings where stringent security measures are essential. Each solution caters to different use cases based on their specific strengths in authorisation or authentication mechanisms within the Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions. 

Use Cases and Standards for Access Management 

  • Access to Applications from a Portal: Employ SAML 
  • Enterprise Single Sign-On: Leverage SAML 
  • Mobile Use Cases: Prefer OAuth or OpenID 
  • Access to Resources (Permanent or Temporary): Opt for OAuth or OpenID 

These protocols contribute to federated identity by enhancing user convenience within the current growing technological interconnectivity. While reducing the need to remember numerous usernames and passwords, federated identity presents security challenges. Successful implementation, whether using SAML, OAuth, or OpenID, is crucial for its effectiveness. Here is a table of detailed explanation regarding of the following access management;  

  • Brief Information

  • Advantages

  • Disadvantages

  • Summary

Brief Information


SAML serves as a standard for exchanging authentication and authorisation data between parties. It finds widespread usage in enterprises, facilitating user logins to internal networks and enabling single sign-on (SSO). With a focus on federated authentication, SAML streamlines the implementation of authentication and authorisation processes across multiple organisations. 


OAuth represents an open standard for authorisation, providing secure delegated access to applications, devices, APIs, and servers through access tokens. It enables applications to retrieve user data without needing direct access to user credentials. OAuth 2.0 stands as the preferred choice over OAuth 1.0a, largely due to enhanced security measures such as encrypted token transmission. Renowned for its versatility, OAuth 2.0 supports diverse grant types for access control and seamlessly integrates with single sign-on systems. 

OpenID Connect:

OpenID Connect serves as an authentication protocol layered atop OAuth 2.0. It introduces an authentication layer to compensate for the absence of authentication mechanisms in OAuth. OpenID Connect utilises ID tokens, presented as JSON Web Tokens, to standardise aspects of OAuth 2.0 that remain undefined, including endpoint discovery and scopes. Its primary focus lies in user authentication and is widely employed to facilitate secure login procedures for users accessing consumer websites and mobile applications. 


Shibboleth is a commonly employed Single Sign-On (SSO) solution built on SAML, prioritising the management of access to web applications. It offers a secure authentication mechanism, guaranteeing that only authorised users can reach protected resources. Moreover, Shibboleth accommodates multi-factor authentication solutions such as FAME and conducts practical trials incorporating password-less authentication systems founded on FIDO2. In essence, Shibboleth significantly contributes to bolstering security and regulating access for web applications by virtue of its dependable SSO features and backing for advanced authentication methods. 

Explore Optimal Access Management Solutions with Our Expert Guidance 

Are you in search of the finest access management solution? Contact us for swift assistance tailored to your needs. Our team of experts is ready to guide you in selecting the most suitable solution to help you achieve your goals.


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