Colchester Institute, Cost-effective and Stress-free Maintenance with Overt Software Solution 

We were delighted to be given an opportunity to work for Colchester Institute on a Moodle Implementation project and we are pleased with the results within our collaboration timeframe. Come by and check it out! 

Established 1992 



Colchester & Braintree, UK 


Higher education student enrollment


Full-time Learning Courses


Teachers, Course leads, Training and Career Support Members


 Books, academic journals, DVDs, CDs, music scores and online 


Solutions at a glance


 Colchester Institute implemented an LMS system in order to provide access to resources and course information.They use a third-party  plugin to host their moodle to fulfill the school's ambition of ensuring that all students achieve the best possible results they can. But unfortunately, Server hardware often has issues.  

 Colchester institute used a third party to integrate with their moodle. When server hardware has issues, the institute has server problems, the only way to fix the problem is to copy over their moodle from scratch due to their third party application having no ‘server backup’.  


 Remove the worried feeling of a possible “Down-server” event taking place. Thus letting the institute employees focus more on their staff and students.  


 Overt software provides a solution by collaborating with Colchester Institute to migrate their moodle hosting and deploy its LMS within the Overt software solution’s cloud. Not to mention, Overt software solution is able to help provide any solution when help is needed. 

 Implementing Server level backup allows Colchester Institute’s administrators to save everything associated with a moodle site, including all content and settings. Thus, having and using backups to restore your site to the state it was in when the backup is made. Thus, reduce the amount of lost information if an unwanted case of problems takes place. 


 Collaborating with Colchester Institute and providing “Simple moodle maintenance”. In the process of working together, Overt software solution and Colchester Institute develop great communication. Colchester Institute can rest easy knowing that their VLE Technical Support issues will be solved within our Technical Support SLAs. 


The Challange

Once your organisation has decided to implement a learning management system (LMS), the next big question is whether to host it yourself or work with a Moodle hosting services partner.  Many factors determine whether to keep an LMS implementation in-house or to outsource it to a hosted provider. 

Considering the time, budget, and expertise necessary for a successful implementation, you'll see that outsourcing has many advantages. 

In Colchester Institute's case, they started implementing its Moodle LMS system by hosting it using a third-party provider. At first, everything was going smoothly, but as their learning institute continued to grow, managing their Moodle was starting to be very challenging for the institute. One of their major problems was that their third-party provider did not have an automatic "server backups". Thus, when the institute's server experienced a sudden "Downtime" or other issues, the only way to fix it is to start over from scratch and copy over their Moodle data.

The Solution

Working with a Hosted Moodle provider means your organisation will benefit from their expertise. These experts can help recommend plugins, ensure your site meets regulations such as GDPR and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. 

They're also up-to-date on emerging trends in the industry—allowing your organisation to take advantage of cutting-edge technology. 

Updating software can be a challenge, but if you get in touch with Overt software solutions we can help you out. We offer unlimited support options so you can contact us for help with anything from Moodle basic instructions and queries to infrastructure and integrations. You’ll never have to worry about running out of support hours! 

The Benefits

While Colchester Institute may be able to find comparable security features on its own, it might not want to pay extra for them or spend time learning about them. However, such as the Colchester Institute, which happens to be a large educational institute, 

it's a good idea for them to rely on security services.  By collaborating with Overt software solution, Colchester Institute gained the following benefits; 

Stress-free maintenance 

You cannot break your online course platform. But a professional It developer can solve a Moodle issue with just a few clicks and implementation. If anything happens to Colchester Institute's online course hosted by a cloud LMS provider, it's the provider's problem. It might feel like it's also the Institute's problem, but with our support, the Institute can focus on something else while our IT developer fixes it. 

Easy to budget for and cost-effective. 

Cloud-based pricing plans are determined by the features you need and how much capacity is necessary for your business. This can reduce your operating costs because the Institute only pays for what is used. 

24/7 IT Support 

Moodle is a cloud LMS, and it can be easily managed by the Institute's IT developer and Moodle specialist support (like the Overt software solution!). So if Colchester Institute's Moodle server suddenly goes down, we can fix it for you. If they have issues with integrations, Overt software solutions will be glad to help.  

Without the help of a Moodle specialist support (i.e. self-hosted plugin), you'll have customer support, but your contact will only give you advice. They're not going to physically take care of the problem for you. You'll have to contact them, try the solution, and contact them again if it still doesn't solve the problem. 

Increase security and boost user experience 

Moodle's core developers no longer support some older Moodle versions. This means there are no more security reviews or bug fixes by the Moodle development team. To ensure a higher level of student engagement and an improved user experience, Overt software solution IT developers and support team collaborate with Colchester Institute to ensure their Moodle version is updated to a newer version that includes patches for potential security vulnerabilities. 

Overt Software make it very easy for us to manage our Moodle. The technical support is great and if we ever have an issue they are always very quick to respond.”  

Scott Everett

IT manager & IT business service | Colchester Institute

Need help? 

If you would like to learn more about how Overt Software can help you manage your virtual learning environment and hosting, please contact the Overt Software Customer Success Team 


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